Frank Cowan Company Limited

電話號碼: 519-458-4331
傳真號碼: 519-458-4366
詳細地址: 75 Main Street North, Princeton, ON
郵政編碼: N0J 1V0
網上地圖: 點擊這裏
411S.CA No. LK16137

Frank Cowan Company is a leader in providing specialized insurance and risk management solutions for organizations in the municipal, healthcare, education, and community and social service sectors.
Frank Cowan Company is affiliated with Cowan Insurance Group, the Guarantee Company of North America and Millennium CreditRisk Management through common ownership.

Innovation and Dedication
Our team partners with skilled local insurance brokers to ensure we deliver products and services based specifically on your needs. From the development of each insurance program to the resolution of every claim, we commit to providing you the best insurance, risk management solutions, and customer service.

Helping Clients Reduce Risk
We are more than just an insurance provider. We focus on the big picture with clients and develop customized programs which include essential risk management and claims management components. Our mandate is clear - help our clients reduce risk.

Financial Stability
We have a proven track record of insuring and managing risk for organizations that deliver public services. We partner with select insurers of exceptional reputation and financial stability. For you, that means the comfort of knowing you will always be protected, year after year.

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